Leadership Under Fire
Today we spend countless hours teaching new and future officers everything from administration duties, report and letter writing and department policies. Yes, these are valuable skills and are the foundation for most of daily duties. This class is focused on teaching officers how to lead men and women into fires, how to lead search operations, fire attack, and what to do when a member goes down. Utilizing a burn building and live fire, students serve as the officer in a variety of assignments (fire attack, search, and rescue, RIT). The student is charged with making fire ground decisions, size-up, tactical fire attack decisions, tactical search and rescue decisions, and Mayday incidents. Instructors serve in a variety of roles as part of the student’s team, including; the overaggressive firefighter, the rookie, the mistake prone firefighter, the lost/missing firefighter, the firefighter who thinks they’re in charge and a variety of other roles as well. This training provides students a realistic chance to lead their firefighters under difficult and real scenarios.
The Unbeatable Engine: Engine Company Operations
This course covers everything from initial size-up by the first arriving Engine, estimating hose stretches, selecting the correct line, overcoming obstacles, extended stretches, vertical stretches, searching from the line, flowing and moving, hose line advancement, fire attack, hose loads, hose bundles, making the push and more! This course can be delivered in small, specific sections to satisfy the needs of the department or has a full 8 or 16 hour program to address and present new ideas and techniques. Students can expect plenty of reps, challenges, and opportunities for rapid decision making for selecting, stretching and advancing the first line.
Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search, Techniques, and Challenges
VEIS is not new and has proven to be one of the most successful means of making rescues. This class teaches the importance of proper ladder placement, hose line operations in conjunction with search, going past the door, rapid room searches and removal of victims. This class can also be taught under live fire conditions.
Standpipes and Valves
In conjunction with Port City Training, this class utilizes a variety of Standpipe prop’s and teaches students proper set-up for Standpipe operations, flowing and adjusting valves, hose streams and hose line advancement from a Standpipe system. This class will also educate students in what they are flowing from their current attack packages.
Midrise Tactics
Description: This program has been designed to address the variety of challenges departments may face during a fire at a Midrise building. Students will learn and participate in the following skills and scenarios. These skill sets will be determined based on the organization's or event's needs.
Standpipe hook-up and stretch.
Vertical stretches (rope, coupling drops, ground ladders)
Performing a well hole stretch
Primary search operations
RIT operations
Size up and Command.
Deck gun options
Ventilation options
Fire attack
Elevators use.
Estimating the stretch
Forcible entry challenges
Operating in the Flow Path
This class will teach students how to recognize signs of flash over, how to control the flow path, how powerful the flow path can be and how to utilize the flow path to find the seat of the fire. This class includes lecture and hands-on. Please contact us for additional details and burn building requirements for this training.
Fighting fires in hoarder conditions are always challenging and presents both dangerous and unique hazards to our members. This program has been developed to educate firefighters & officers to recognize these conditions, best practices to overcome these hazards, and techniques in both handline advancement, search & rescue, and mayday scenarios. Students will learn a variety of techniques to overcome large debris piles, entanglement issues, fire attack options, search techniques, rescue skills, and moving a down firefighter. Skills are taught in a variety of settings and enhanced during live-fire scenarios. This program requires the host department to provide varied furnishings, household items, toys, and other discarded items.
Realistic Rapid Intervention and Survival Skills
When things go bad, they typically go bad very quickly. This class will teach students skills that can be utilized to both save themselves or other firefighters. Skills include.
Drags and Carries
Ladder Bailout
Hose Bailout
Entanglement Skills
Following the line
Utilizing ladders
Providing air
Live Fire Operations
We can conduct a wide variety of hands-on training with live fire evolution. All instructors are 1403 certified.
Note: Hands on courses will require a training facility and/or acquired structure. Please contact Fire Life Training to discuss requirements to conduct any hands-on training programs.
Fire Wife Life - The Wives' Obstacle Course
Although wives will never fully understand what it is like to put on the gear and respond to a working fire, or rescue call, we have worked to simulate an altered version that wives will actively participate in as "firefighters". We have added fun twists and a few great gifts along the course. We hope to provide spouses with at least a basic idea of the physical challenges our husbands face while working.